Ancaman kemusnahan habitat kepada hidupan liar dan strategi pemeliharaan
Dunia ini merangkumi pelbagai spesies hidupan liar sama ada spesies tumbuhan maupun haiwan. Setiap spesies bergantung kepada ekosistem atau sistem semulajadi untuk hidup dan bemandiri. Hidupan liar ini berinteraksi dengan elemen bukan hidup seperti cahaya, suhu, tanah, nutrien, air dan lain-lain supaya...
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Betul ke beg kertas lebih mesra alam?
Kita sering melihat di kaca TV, dalam dokumentari filem, pembeli-pembeli barangan di negara maju akan disediakan dengan beg kertas oleh peniaga bagi meletakkan barangan yang dibeli mereka untuk dibawa pulang. Suasana seperti ini hampir tidak nampak di Malaysia. Boleh dikatakan hampir semua pekedai...
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Present and Future Sea Level Change in Malaysia
Sea level rise (SLR) is one of the major consequences of ongoing climate change. Over the past century, global sea level has been rising, and the rate has been found accelerating in recent decades (Fig. 1). Since 1970, the global mean SLR is partly attributed to the anthropogenic (human-induced) forcing....
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The roles of MTCC in forest sustainability in Malaysia
Malaysia is covered by 70% of tropical rainforests which is 5.78 million hectares which is 31% of the area in the Peninsula, 12.4 million hectares or, 46% of the area in Sarawak while Sabah is covered by 4.7 million hectares of forest. Tropical rainforests are rich in various species of flora and fauna...
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Ecosystem restoration from ecology and climate change perspectives
Mohamad Nazrin Abd Malik
Tropical forests are generally known as the richest and most hyper-diverse ecosystem in the world. They are exceptional both in terms of biodiversity and forest structure. Tropical rainforests play a vital role in timber production, biological conservation, carbon sequestration and global climate regulation....
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The Ecosystem Need Us ….
The world is facing severe challenging issues related to the impact of human being. Many of the world’s ecosystems have undergone significant degradation with negative impacts on biological diversity and people’s livelihoods. Peoples are suffering the consequences of the climate emergency, food and...
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