Green Entrepreneur: Insects as Potential Source for Sustainable Planet
Population growth constitute a major factor that influence food security. By 2050, agricultural production needs to increase by 60% to sustain global food requirement for an estimate population of 9.7 billion people. Together with livestock raised for food, the demand for feed ingredients is also likely...
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Value Chain Analysis: What Entrepreneurs in Wood-Based Industry Need to Know?
Malaysia is currently among the top producer and exporters of tropical wood products. However, due to increased competition, entrepreneurs, and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) must find ways to stay competitive in the market locally and globally. One of the ways to achieve competitive advantage is...
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Ecopreneurship for Sustainability
Entrepreneurs are the main drivers in economic growth with them introducing innovative technologies for development of new products and services to meet the demand and offering new job opportunities. The roles of entrepreneurship in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development have expanded...
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Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development
Sustainable development sees entrepreneurship as a channel to change. This is because it can develop sustainable products and processes through innovation in meeting social and environmental concerns. While sustainable entrepreneurship can make use of economic opportunities linked to market failures,...
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Forest Entrepreneurship: An Alternative Profession for Forestry Graduates
Forest entrepreneurship is generally known to harm the environment. According to Reforestamos (2021), the traditional views have limited innovations and entrepreneurship talents among young foresters. The typical paradigm is community forest enterprise, or forest-dependent community creates opportunities...
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Pendapat: Era baru Internet of Thing (IOT) di dalam sektor perladangan hutan
Sektor perladangan hutan di Malaysia banyak memberi manfaat kepada industri kayu di Malaysia iaitu dari segi pengeluaran dan pembekalan produk kayu seperti kayu gerjaji, papan lapis, dan juga kertas dan pulpa. Untuk memastikan pengeluaran produk kayu ini secara berkekalan dan mampan ianya memerlukan...
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