Bonded-In Joint In Existing Structure: The Malaysian Glulam Project
Strong and stiff joints of bond-in rods with excellent performance in load transfer have been used for glued-laminated timber. Steel rods, glass fibre-reinforced plastic (GFRP), and the potential use of carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) reinforcing bars have been used to confer superior properties...
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Valuing Water: Water Waste And Wastewater
World Water Day is held annually on 22nd March. The theme for this year’s celebration addresses the question of the value of water. Valuing water means balancing the benefits and risks associated with water in all aspects, such as economic, social, ecological, cultural, and religious perspectives....
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Managing Forest For Education
MALAYSIA is rich in its natural resources, endowed with its fertile soil, hot and humid temperatures, and high rainfall throughout the year. Our lakes, rivers, and seas are abundant with fish as well as a variety of aquatic and marine life. Mangrove forests adorn our beaches, while forests - whether...
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International Day of Forests 2021: Forest Restoration
The International Day of Forest is an occasion to educate the public on issues of concern, mobilize political will and resources to address global problems. It also celebrates and reinforces humanity's achievements. The restoration and sustainable management of forests help address the climate change...
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Agronomic Practices And Maintenance In Forest Plantation
The main factor that determines the success of a forest plantation is good agronomic management. The young farmed tree is about five and a half years, with it having one or two leaf graft stumps in polybags. The growth of the young tree can be enhanced through the prudent management of agronomic inputs....
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Planning For The Re-Development Of Recreation Forests In Malaysia: Creating Meaningful Visitor Experience
Planning is one of the key functions of managerial activities in a park. It is a set of activities that involve the process of thinking about what the park was set to achieve the desired goal-developing a strategy to achieve the goal and finally setting out ways to monitor and evaluate the results. A...
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Tourism in Sarawak
Based on the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the global tourism sector has suffered the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic with a decline of 65% or 440 million international arrivals in the first six months of 2020. The steep decline has resulted in a loss of USD460 billion in export revenues from international...
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